This classic project uses the PIC microcontroller to create an electronic dice. Students can choose to activate the dice by a switch or light sensitive LDR. Includes PICAXE-08M2LE chip.
Pack of 5
.PICAXE M2 series chips
The M2 series PICAXE chips are more powerful than the regular M chips. The pins can be configured to give the number of inputs and outputs your project needs. The parts allow for more complex programs to be written as they have more memory and more variables. There is support for additional peripherals such as elapsed time, internal temperature reading, serial comms interfacing and so on. The big change with the M2 series chips is that your software can run several flow charts simultaneously.
The PICAXE Cyberpet, alarm & dice are now supplied with an 08M2LE which is a lite edition of the 08M2 chip. It is more powerful than the 08 chip previously supplied with the kit, but only has one start and less memory than the full 08M2.